Automatic mold temperature control

Offer to Sell
Dielectric liquid water or oil can be transformed to apply.Keyi molding mold temperatrue needs,transform any liquid water oroil as a medium,high selectivity,cost-effective
European pump Horizontal pump,flow stability,long lift.Stainless steel water (oil) tank Stainless
Steel water(oil)as the mirror,long-term use under the tank will not rust,caused by blockage of piping pump life
Transparent water(oil)tank as the mirror.Position clear water(oil)bit end oscopic device,easy to view liquid media stock, to remind you to replenish the liquid medium auto matic warning device Liquid water or oil is not normally a lack of media, the warning
Devices liquid water or oil is not normally a lack of media,the warning light that is bright and from branch to issue an alarm and auto matically cut off the electric and pump power
High precision temperature control down the temperature responsive,themeratrue change is small,shiny and detailed moldings,can not afford to flash.
Reduce th defect rate moldings Predheated before forming operation began, the the required mold temperatrue,to promote rationalization of forming operations, and to forming a more perfect quality
Small size, light weight Easy t install,easy to operate,easy to move,not perfect quality
Người liên hệ: Ms. amy huang
Chức vụ: CEO
Điện thoại: +86-13336665391 - Fax:
Địa chỉ: room 402, No.9 Baiyang Street,Ningbo,Zhejiang,China
Quốc gia: China
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